Membership Benefits

Join a vibrant community of scientists who Advance, Connect,

Discover and Share your passion for materials.

Why You should join us today?

Membership Makes a Difference

Why should you become a member? Is it about the benefits that come with being a member such as networking during conventions and conferences? Or should you do it to take up the opportunity to voice your issues? Regardless of your profession, our society of professionals is ready to accommodate you in your journey of curiosity, discovery, and self-development. Come to think about it; there are three crucial reasons why you should join us and become part of our team.

Benefits Of Membership

Benefits Over View

Membership Benefits
Whether you are an aspiring or veteran scientist, AAAFM is here to culture your ideas and hone your professional skills.
Do it for you
Being a member is an investment in you and your profession. Courtesy of our open society, you can access opinions and advice form the highest professionals. Moreover, you will be able to share and exchange your ideas or build-up on them using contributions from other members.
Access to more resources
Be the first to learn about the future cutting edge scientific discoveries. With membership access, you can contribute your outlook on the developments and spark the much-needed innovation to counter some of the current global challenges.
Grow your passion for materials
There is power in number, that’s why your membership is welcomed. Your membership helps us shape public policies, educational empowerment for underrepresented grounds, and allocation of resources to scientific claims. We consider engaging the community vital, by being a member you can best raise your concerns and contribute to the discussion about materials.

Groups and Communities

Over View
This program gives you exclusive access to information contributed by scientists in your geographical area.
Local sections
Here, you can get in touch with scientists in your local area. Conversely, your professional life and learning will be taken to another level thanks to the opportunity to collaborate with other professionals.
Student Chapters
Through our comprehensive program we aid students in advancing their careers.
International Chapters
Our commitment to improving the materials standards extend outside the borders. You can easily link up with other material scientists outside your geographical region.

Development and Networking

Early Career Network
The ability to connect with other scientists is an added resource itself. That said, with prior knowledge, you can do what professionals do. You can start your career with borrowed experience from experts.
Local sections
Since the local sections area is free, you can start a discussion on various factors in the scientific community.
Career Consulting
We consider engaging the community vital, by being a member you can best raise your concerns and contribute to the discussion about materials.
AAAFM Network
Through our network you can interact with the online network of material scientists .

Conferences and Events

AAAFM meetings
Like any other society, we bring like-minded from all walks of life. These conferences and events are ideal for connecting with other people and sharing your passion with the most significant scientific society. Once you have been enrolled as a member, you can receive up to 30% discount (conditions applied).
AAAFM regional meetings
What’s more, as a member you receive discounts when you register as a member. These events also boast the ability to boost networking abilities and opportunities to express your ideas.
AAAF-UCLA Conferences
Companies often spend thousands of dollars promoting networking events. As a member, you get the first-hand opportunity to network with other people. With 500 academics, government stakeholders, and industrial stakeholders, these events level the playing field allowing you to interact freely with other like-minded people.

Membership Discounts

Discount on Journals
AAAFM Authors Choice- 50% off on open license for all AAAFM journals
Publishing Resources- membership allows you to access journals for free.
Discount on Research
AAAFM Book Discount-You access members’ discounts for instance 30-40% off on all print books.