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The registration Packages have been designed to suit your availability and convenience. The description & the fee for each package is given below.
Accepted abstracts will be notified on their registered emails.

Registration Fee Packages
Comprises Early Bird
(15th Nov-31st Mar)
(1st Apr-30th Apr)
(1st May-31st May)
One-Day Pass
Standard* $750 $850 $1000 $600
Student* $550 $650 $800 $500
Guest** (per day) $250 $300 $350 $250
Single Occupancy $165 $175 $185
Double Occupancy $210 $215 $225
***Limited Availability. First come first serve basis

Register Here

*All **Receptions ***Accommodation
  • Conference Meetings/Sessions
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunch
  • Poster Receptions
  • Conference Material
  • Abstracts Book on CD-ROM/USB Memory Stick
  • Conference Meetings/Sessions
  • Coffee Breaks
  • Lunch
  • Poster Receptions
  • On UCLA De Neve Plaza, Los Angeles, CA. 90024.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Included.

Cancellation Policy

  • The cancellation request must be made before 10th April, 2019
  • Registrations cancellation is subject to US$ 200 cancellation cost
  • No refunds will be issued for accommodation but transferable to other guests
  • No refunds will be issued after 10th April, 2019



  • Students must provide a valid proof at the time of registration
  • In case of any question regarding cancellation and refund, please do not hesitate to contact us at UCLA@aaafm.org